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Accommodation Hotel - Dixon****

Švermova 32, 974 01, Banská Bystrica
Hotel Dixon**** is located in the relaxation zone of the city, near the summer swimming pool and sports and recreation area. The hotel's equipment and qualified staff guarantee the provision of quality services according to the client's wishes.
Are you looking for a pleasant place for a business meeting, negotiation, training, congress or conference? Dixon Resort is the right place for you.
The variety of congress spaces, together with excellent gastronomy and our many years of experience, provides you with a unique advantage when organizing your event. The congress hall for 500 people is one of the largest in Slovakia. Three large congress halls, five training halls and two lounges will provide maximum comfort and facilities for your congress or conference.
When organizing congress events, catering services are provided according to the client's wishes (refreshments, coffee break, joint lunch, buffet or uniform menu, social evening)
Large, spacious parking lots with a capacity of 500 vehicles contribute to the overall comfort of the guests, barrier-free access, a wellness center and above-standard sports and entertainment options are a matter of course. The ideal environment for your corporate events.
Our benefits:
We are the market leader among hotels in Slovakia
Area with an area of 100,000 m2
A quiet environment with many additional activities
Excellent accessibility from the R1 expressway (500m)
Conference hall with a capacity of up to 500 people
10 independent congress spaces
Accommodation capacity 100 rooms, 230 beds
Bargain prices
Renovated rooms (2018)
Professional and stable team in the sales department
The hotel has excellent conditions for organizing sports events, corporate sports days and various meetings connected with sports activities in an informal but all the more pleasant atmosphere. The hotel has 12 tennis courts, of which 3 are also available in the winter season in a heated tennis hall, and the hotel also has 3 squash courts.
Next to Hotel Dixon *** is a beach swimming area with 5 pools and 2 water slides and an indoor swimming pool. Within a radius of 10 km there are excellent ski terrains with artificial snow, therefore it is suitable for organizing ski tours, tennis courses, sportsmen's gatherings and family vacations in summer and winter.
Hotel Dixon**** is located in the relaxation zone of the city, near the summer swimming pool and sports and recreation area. The hotel's equipment and qualified staff guarantee the provision of quality services according to the client's wishes.
Are you looking for a pleasant place for a business meeting, negotiation, training, congress or conference? Dixon Resort is the right place for you.
The variety of congress spaces, together with excellent gastronomy and our many years of experience, provides you with a unique advantage when organizing your event. The congress hall for 500 people is one of the largest in Slovakia. Three large congress halls, five training halls and two lounges will provide maximum comfort and facilities for your congress or conference.
When organizing congress events, catering services are provided according to the client's wishes (refreshments, coffee break, joint lunch, buffet or uniform menu, social evening)
Large, spacious parking lots with a capacity of 500 vehicles contribute to the overall comfort of the guests, barrier-free access, a wellness center and above-standard sports and entertainment options are a matter of course. The ideal environment for your corporate events.
Our benefits:
We are the market leader among hotels in Slovakia
Area with an area of 100,000 m2
A quiet environment with many additional activities
Excellent accessibility from the R1 expressway (500m)
Conference hall with a capacity of up to 500 people
10 independent congress spaces
Accommodation capacity 100 rooms, 230 beds
Bargain prices
Renovated rooms (2018)
Professional and stable team in the sales department
The hotel has excellent conditions for organizing sports events, corporate sports days and various meetings connected with sports activities in an informal but all the more pleasant atmosphere. The hotel has 12 tennis courts, of which 3 are also available in the winter season in a heated tennis hall, and the hotel also has 3 squash courts.
Next to Hotel Dixon *** is a beach swimming area with 5 pools and 2 water slides and an indoor swimming pool. Within a radius of 10 km there are excellent ski terrains with artificial snow, therefore it is suitable for organizing ski tours, tennis courses, sportsmen's gatherings and family vacations in summer and winter.

Zobraziť viac

Vyuzili sme takmer vsetky sluzby hotela, boli sme spokojni. Mali sme stale co robit nie len v hoteli ale aj v BB a okoli.

Hotel Dixon contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 234Kapacita baru: 62Kapacita reštaurácie: 200Kapacita kaviarne: 80Kapacita salóniku: 30Kapacita kongresovových priestorov: 500

Facility equipment

disabled equipmentdepositrestaurantparking place guardedbar daybar nightdiscochild game roomnon smoking areascaffegarden sittinggrillair conditioninggourman
Spoločenské priestory hotela sú vybavené veľkým profesionálne ozvučeným parketom s najmodernejšími svetelnými efektami. Príjemnú atmosféru navodzuje aj množstvo bodových a ultrafialových svetiel. Priestory poskytujú nadštandardné podmienky na konanie plesov, stužkových slávností, svadieb, veľkých firemných osláv ako aj osláv významných životných jubileí, recepcií, rautov a podobne. Maximálna kapacita pri využití spoločenského centra, denného baru, nočného baru, reštaurácie a 3 parketov (spoločenská sála, nočný bar a reštaurácia) je až 500 osôb. Zabezpečujeme DJ, videozáznam, videoprojekciu. Samozrejmosťou je vynikajúca kuchyňa, príjemná obsluha, parkovanie na stráženom parkovisku priamo pred hotelom. K dispozícii je aj aperitív bar s možnosťou fajčenia s prepojením do denného aj nočného baru. Nightclub známy exkluzívnym prostredím, kvalitnou diskohudbou a príjemnou obsluhou má kapacitu 100 miest a je v prevádzke pri akciách podľa dohody.

Facility room

social equipment in every roomTVtelephoneextra bedair conditionminibarinternet

Sports facilities

termalpoolskiingvolleyballfootballtourist pathscyclo pathshorseback ridingrentalnatural poolwatersportsbowlingbiliardcrosscountry skiingskatinghuntingtpoolfitnesssquashtennistable tennis
Hotel poskytuje výborné podmienky na doplnkový program nielen pre hotelových hostí, či už počas konferenčných podujatí ako aj na organizovanie samostatných firemných športových podujatí alebo relaxačných pobytov. K hotelu patrí tenisový areál, wellness centrum, bowling a areál plážového kúpaliska, kde je k dispozícii multifunkčná bedmintonová hala s 12 kurtmi - YONEX ARÉNA, bedmintonové centrum BB, 2 umelotrávnaté ihriská na minifutbal, 3 ihriská na plážový volejbal a termálne bazény.

Wellness options

V čase medzi využívaním služieb saunového sveta si môžete dopriať oddych v príjemnom prostredí odpočivárni, kde si môžete vybrať z bohatej ponuky nápojov poskytovaných wellness barom.
Ponorte sa a doprajte si prijemnú masáž za pomoci vodných trysiek, ktoré uvoľnia všetky svaly vo vašom tele a dokonale prekrvia celý organizmus. Teplota: 37 °C. Pre väčšie skupiny ponúkame vírivku s kapacitou do šesť osôb. Milovníci súkromia majú k dispozícii dve menšie vírivky pre dve až tri osoby.
Inhalovanie eukalyptovej pary pomáha pri ochrane pred vírusovými ochoreniami a uvoľňuje dýchacie cesty. Tak isto je nenahraditeľná pri nádche, alergiách a iných ochoreniach dýchacích ciest.
Priaznivý účinok sauny sa prejaví prekrvením pokožky, podkožia a svalov. Sauna zlepšuje imunitný systém a celkovú regeneráciu.
Čo môžeme čakať od infrasauny? Je perfektná pri redukcii hmotnosti. Za 30 minút saunovania v infrasaune spálite až 600 kilokalórií! Perfektne v nej zrelaxujete a organizmu doprajete dokonalú regeneráciu. Odbúrava dôsledky stresu.
Tento druh sauny ocenia najmä ľudia, ktorí zle znášajú vysoké teploty, nakoľko je vyhrievaná na 60 °C. Zároveň má v porovnaní s klasickou fínskou saunou vyššiu vlhkosť vzduchu. Je šetrná ku kardiovaskulárnemu systému, nezaťažuje organizmus a preto je ideálna pre osoby, ktoré so saunovaním len začínajú, veľmi dobre ju znášajú i deti a alergici.

The facility is spoken

speak englishspeak germanyspeak polishspeak russian

Congressional options

sound systemspecial lightingDVD plyerdance floorstagecloakroomtranslatorcopyingorganizing servicesvideo cameraprojection screeninternettelevisionmicrophonescreenflip chart
Kongresové centrum 490 miest.s multumedialnym informacnym systemom, bezbarierovy pristup. Možnosť dvoj - až trojprojekcie, telefón, videokamera + digitálna kamera, dataprojektor 2x, kino plátno 2x, prenosné plátno, rečnícky pult.
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