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Accommodation Hotel - Elenka***

Promenádna 1, 932 01, Veľký Meder
Family Hotel Elenka *** has been one of the popular and sought-after recreational facilities for many years. It is suitable for individual and group stays all year round. It is located in a pleasant environment of a forest park on a pedestrian zone in the immediate vicinity of the swimming pool.
There are two children's playgrounds near the hotel, one of which is equipped with fitness equipment, so people who want active recreation will also enjoy it.
The entire hotel is air-conditioned, which is sure to be appreciated by everyone who decides to spend their summer vacation in Velky Meder.
Meals are provided in the hotel's luxuriously furnished Restaurant Elenka.
During your stay, you have the opportunity to sit with your friends on our terrace. In the winter months, the room with the warm warmth of the fireplace is at your disposal. For families with children, we have a small children's corner, as well as board games.
The Thermal Corvinus Spa offers its services 365 days a year. Thermal water with a high content of fluorides and silicic acid has beneficial effects on diseases of the locomotor system and regenerative effects on the human body. The Thermal Corvinus swimming pool offers its visitors nine pools with a water temperature of 25-38°C. Various types of massages, sauna center, jacuzzi, solarium, beauty salon, restaurant, bar, toboggan, buffets, sports fields and children's playground, salt cave and others are also available.
Hotel Elenka - accommodation right next to the swimming pool area with tasty home-made half board.
Family Hotel Elenka *** has been one of the popular and sought-after recreational facilities for many years. It is suitable for individual and group stays all year round. It is located in a pleasant environment of a forest park on a pedestrian zone in the immediate vicinity of the swimming pool.
There are two children's playgrounds near the hotel, one of which is equipped with fitness equipment, so people who want active recreation will also enjoy it.
The entire hotel is air-conditioned, which is sure to be appreciated by everyone who decides to spend their summer vacation in Velky Meder.
Meals are provided in the hotel's luxuriously furnished Restaurant Elenka.
During your stay, you have the opportunity to sit with your friends on our terrace. In the winter months, the room with the warm warmth of the fireplace is at your disposal. For families with children, we have a small children's corner, as well as board games.
The Thermal Corvinus Spa offers its services 365 days a year. Thermal water with a high content of fluorides and silicic acid has beneficial effects on diseases of the locomotor system and regenerative effects on the human body. The Thermal Corvinus swimming pool offers its visitors nine pools with a water temperature of 25-38°C. Various types of massages, sauna center, jacuzzi, solarium, beauty salon, restaurant, bar, toboggan, buffets, sports fields and children's playground, salt cave and others are also available.
Hotel Elenka - accommodation right next to the swimming pool area with tasty home-made half board.

Zobraziť viac

Užili sme si kúpalisko a letnú pohodu. Dovolenka vyšla výborne aj vďaka príjemnému ubytovaniu. Bolo super.

Hotel Elenka contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 56Kapacita baru: 50Kapacita reštaurácie: 65Prístelky: 12

Facility equipment

restaurantgarden sittingparking place not guardedair conditioninggourman
Vieme, že kuchyňa je pre našich hostí veľmi dôležitá. Preto vždy varíme iba z najčerstvejších a kvalitných surovín, ktoré sú sezónne dostupné. Mäso a zeleninu nám zabezpečujú denne lokálni chovatelia a pestovatelia.

Facility room

social equipment in every roomTVextra bedair conditionfridgeinternet
Poskytujeme Vám 28 útulne zariadených klimatizovaných dvojlôžkových izieb. Každá izba má vlastné sociálne zariadenie, priestranný balkón a všetky izby sú vybavené LCD televízorom s českými a slovenskými programami, samostatným Wi-Fi internetovým pripojením a všetky sú v letných mesiacoch klimatizované.

Sports facilities

pooltermalpoolvolleyballfootballcyclo pathsrentalnatural poolwatersportstennis
Kúpele Thermal Corvinus ponúkajú svoje služby 365 dní v roku. Termálna voda s vysokým obsahom fluoridov a kyseliny kremičitej má blahodárne účinky na choroby pohybového ústrojenstva a regeneračné účinky na organizmus človeka. Kúpalisko Thermal Corvinus ponúka svojím návštevníkom deväť bazénov s teplotou vody od 25-38°C. K dispozícii sú ďalej masáže rôznych druhov, saunacentrum, jakuzzi, solárium, salón krásy, reštaurácia, bar, tobogány, bufety, športoviská a detské ihrisko, soľná jaskyňa a iné.
Dunajská cyklomagistrála je súčasťou jednej z najznámejších cyklotrás v Európe. Veľká časť trasy prechádza na hrádzi Dunaja, kde si cyklisti môžu vychutnať prírodné krásy Žitného ostrova. Cykloturistika Podunajsko> táto cyklotúra je po menej náročnej trase s minimálnym prevýšením, vhodná pre rodinné cyklotúry. Východiskový a cieľový bod je vo Veľkom Mederi.
V lokalite Žitného ostrova je veľa dunajských ramien, ktoré poskytujú množstvo priestoru pre rekreačný rybolov.
Ďalší typ pre zaručenú zábavu a adrenalín je návšteva Slovakiaringu- Orechová potôň. Leží len 31 km od Veľkého Medera.
Dobudovaný komplex v Čuňove s dvomi divokovodnými pretekárskymi dráhami a Múzeom moderných umení Danubia sa stali ďalšou turistami vyhľadávanou atrakciou. Okrem vodných športov ponúka tento areál aj možnosť vyskúšať si rôzne adrenalínové aktivity. Priamo z areálu je možné začať splavovať staré koryto Dunaja - Bodické ramená.

Wellness options

Kúpalisko THERMAL CORVINUS ponúka svojím návštevníkom 9 bazénov s teplotou vody od 25- 38°C. Ďalej sú k dispozícií masáže rôznych druhov, saunacentrum, jakuzzi, solárium.

The facility is spoken

speak germanyspeak czekspeak hungarianspeak polishspeak russian
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