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Accommodation Hotel - AIR

Námestie mieru 256/10, 908 51, Holíč

Looking for a hotel, guest house in Záhorie? Discover AIR Pension Holic. AIR Pension offers accommodation in the town of Holic, which lies to the north Záhorie, 88 km from the capital Bratislava. Accommodation Záhorie in the newly built guest house in the style of a modern aircraft that will satisfy the demanding customer.

Looking for a hotel, guest house in Záhorie? Discover AIR Pension Holic. AIR Pension offers accommodation in the town of Holic, which lies to the north Záhorie, 88 km from the capital Bratislava. Accommodation Záhorie in the newly built guest house in the style of a modern aircraft that will satisfy the demanding customer.

Zobraziť viac

Hotel AIR contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 20

Nearest recommended lodgings

Not satisfied with this accommodation? Check others: Accommodation in hotel, Accommodation Holíč

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