Accommodation Hotel - Magnólia****
Business Hotel Magnolia is located in the heart of the famous spa town of Piestany on the bank of the river Vah, only 45 minutes from the capital town of Slovak Republic - Bratislava. With its capacity of 137 rooms is one of the largest hotels in Piestany. It offers comfortable accommodation in 10 suites, 103 double rooms and 24 single rooms with a view to Povazsky Inovec and city centre.
Business Hotel Magnolia is located in the heart of the famous spa town of Piestany on the bank of the river Vah, only 45 minutes from the capital town of Slovak Republic - Bratislava. With its capacity of 137 rooms is one of the largest hotels in Piestany. It offers comfortable accommodation in 10 suites, 103 double rooms and 24 single rooms with a view to Povazsky Inovec and city centre.
Hotel Magnólia contains
Capacity of equipment
Počet lôžok: 221Prístelky: 32Nearest recommended lodgings
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