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Accommodation Cottage - Júlia

Vyšné Ružbachy 11, 065 02, Vyšné Ružbachy
Chata Júlia is located near the Vyšné Ružbachy spa. The log cabin is located near the thermal swimming pool, in a peaceful environment, surrounded by a forest with a romantic forest stream directly opposite the cabin.
It offers pleasant accommodation with the possibility of grilling outside in the gazebo or, in case of bad weather, in the basement - in the bar. The interior of the cottage is heated by a warm air fireplace in winter.
The cottage has, among other things, a fully equipped kitchen, a sauna, a bar, a common room with a fireplace.
Chata Júlia offers accommodation for 20 people. There are 20 sleeping beds in four bedrooms (10 double beds). The rooms are located on the first floor. There are two bathrooms with a shower, on the ground floor there is a kitchen with a stove and a microwave oven, a common room with a fireplace, a bar and a sauna available in the basement. There is a toilet on each floor.
In the yard there is a gazebo with a grill and a fireplace, where guests can roast or grill.
The cottage is located near the Vyšné Ružbachy spa area (approx. 1000 m), which offers a unique thermal swimming pool in the summer season. During the winter season, the Isabela indoor pool with hot tubs is available year-round. Ski park Vyšné Ružbachy is located about 2000 m from the cottage.
Chata Júlia is located near the Vyšné Ružbachy spa. The log cabin is located near the thermal swimming pool, in a peaceful environment, surrounded by a forest with a romantic forest stream directly opposite the cabin.
It offers pleasant accommodation with the possibility of grilling outside in the gazebo or, in case of bad weather, in the basement - in the bar. The interior of the cottage is heated by a warm air fireplace in winter.
The cottage has, among other things, a fully equipped kitchen, a sauna, a bar, a common room with a fireplace.
Chata Júlia offers accommodation for 20 people. There are 20 sleeping beds in four bedrooms (10 double beds). The rooms are located on the first floor. There are two bathrooms with a shower, on the ground floor there is a kitchen with a stove and a microwave oven, a common room with a fireplace, a bar and a sauna available in the basement. There is a toilet on each floor.
In the yard there is a gazebo with a grill and a fireplace, where guests can roast or grill.
The cottage is located near the Vyšné Ružbachy spa area (approx. 1000 m), which offers a unique thermal swimming pool in the summer season. During the winter season, the Isabela indoor pool with hot tubs is available year-round. Ski park Vyšné Ružbachy is located about 2000 m from the cottage.

Zobraziť viac

Super chata v peknom prostredi. Ustretove jednanie, dobre vybavenie. Prideme znovu, sme dohodnuty a tesime sa.

Cottage Júlia contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 20

Facility equipment

fireplacebar daykrbgrillparking place not guardedsauna
Chata má celkovú kapacitu 20 lôžok. Izby sú rozmiestnené na prvom poschodí. V troch z týchto 4 izieb sa nachádza umývadlo. K dispozícii sú dve kúpelne s tromi sprchami. Na prízemí chaty sa nachádza plne zariadená kuchyňa so sporákom a mikrovlnnou rúrou, spoločenská miestnosť s krbom a televízorom. V suteréne objektu je bar a sauna. Na každom poschodí je toaleta. Chata je v zime vykurovaná teplovzdušným krbom s rozvodmi do všetkých izieb. V areáli chaty je hosťom k dispozícii altánok s grilom a ohniskom.

Facility room

kitchenTVshower commonfridge

Sports facilities

pooltermalpoolskiingfootballtourist pathscyclo pathshorseback ridingminigolfrentalnatural poolcrosscountry skiinghuntingtmushroomingski servicefishing
Chata Júlia sa nachádza neďaleko areálu kúpeľov Vyšné Ružbachy (cca 1000m), ktoré poskytujú svoje služby aj ambulantne a ponúkajú v letnej sezóne unikátne termálne kúpalisko a možnosť jazdenia na koni. Počas zimnej sezóny je k dispozicii krytý bazén Isabela s vírivkami s celoročnou prevádzkou.

Vo Vyšných Ružbachoch púta pozornosť dobre vybavené lyžiarské stredisko (Ski park) s kvalitne upravenými a udržiavanými zjazdovkami v dĺžke asi 4000 m (turistické, rekreačné, tréningové, detské, či rodinné), s možnosťou denného aj nočného lyžovania, s rýchlymi vlekmi a snežnými delami. Stredisko býva aj miestom majstrovstiev mládežníckych kategórií zjazdárov. Tradičný koniec sezóny s muzikou, súťažami a atrakciami pre deti i dospelých patrí k zážitkom, na ktoré sa určite nezabúda.

The facility is spoken

speak polish
Not satisfied with this accommodation? Check others: Accommodation Cottages, Accommodation Vyšné Ružbachy

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