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Accommodation Chalets Mountain Resort

Ždiar 451, 059 55, Ždiar

If you want to immerse yourself in the silence of nature and long for perfect relaxation and rest with an amazing view of the peaks of the Belianske Tatras, use the perfect services of Chalets Mountain resort. The area is situated in the distinctive village of Ždiar in the beautiful natural scenery of the Belianske Tatras, which will not allow you to forget about the moments spent in this unspoiled nature.

If you want to immerse yourself in the silence of nature and long for perfect relaxation and rest with an amazing view of the peaks of the Belianske Tatras, use the perfect services of Chalets Mountain resort. The area is situated in the distinctive village of Ždiar in the beautiful natural scenery of the Belianske Tatras, which will not allow you to forget about the moments spent in this unspoiled nature.

Zobraziť viac

Veľmi pekné, štýlové, čistučké bývanie navyše v nádhernom prostredí. Nechcelo sa nám odísť.
Monika a Matej

Chalets Mountain Resort contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 8

Nearest recommended lodgings

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