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Accommodation from 0 € to 10 €, in Slovakia, touristic houses

Acommodation in Slovakia offers 5 objects

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Touristic house (hostel) Zemplínska šírava
lodging Michalovce
Capacity 50 beds
Price now from 8.00€ person/night Contact Reserve
Recreation house Veľká Fatra
lodging Ivachnová
Capacity 20 beds
Ubytovňa u Klocháňa in Ivachnová offers year-round accommodation in a wooden house ...
Price now from 9.00€ person/night Contact Reserve
Touristic house (hostel) Nízke Tatry
Capacity 41 beds
There are 11 three-bed and four-bed rooms available in the tourist hostel, with a total capacity of ...
Price now from 10.00€ person/night Contact Reserve
Private accommodation
lodging Levice
Capacity 8 beds
Accommodation u Melicherovcov offers year-round pleasant accommodation for 8 people in a separate ...
Price now from 10.00€ person/night Contact Reserve
Touristic house (hostel)
lodging Šaľa
Capacity 42 beds
Accommodation in a house in Šala in 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed rooms with private or shared bathroom ...
Price now from 6.90€ person/night Contact Reserve