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Accommodation Hotel - Tilia

Kollárova 20, 902 01, Pezinok

Tilia is a stylish, comfortable and pleasant hotel situated in the center of the vineyard town Pezinok. It is easily accessible from all directions and access, located only 20 km from the center of Bratislava. The historic downtown of Pezinok offers many sights, original historic wine cellars, city museum and Slovak National Collection of Wine. To the hotel belongs a historical cellar of the 16th century, known as Restaurant Pezinský Preš that offers excellent meals and the best wines of local wine producers. Conference rooms are equipped with modern technics necessary to various corporate and family events. Wellness center is available for hotel guests and the general public.

Tilia is a stylish, comfortable and pleasant hotel situated in the center of the vineyard town Pezinok. It is easily accessible from all directions and access, located only 20 km from the center of Bratislava. The historic downtown of Pezinok offers many sights, original historic wine cellars, city museum and Slovak National Collection of Wine. To the hotel belongs a historical cellar of the 16th century, known as Restaurant Pezinský Preš that offers excellent meals and the best wines of local wine producers. Conference rooms are equipped with modern technics necessary to various corporate and family events. Wellness center is available for hotel guests and the general public.

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Hotel Tilia contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 76

Nearest recommended lodgings

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