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Accommodation Hotel - Tatran

Námestie Slobody 7/98, 909 01, Skalica

Hotel Tatran with a long tradition can be found in the center of Skalica. Whether it's a business trip during the week or a quiet relaxing weekend, Hotel Tatran offers you accommodation with a view of the beautiful Slobody square with the dominant three-nave parish church of St. Michael.

Hotel Tatran with a long tradition can be found in the center of Skalica. Whether it's a business trip during the week or a quiet relaxing weekend, Hotel Tatran offers you accommodation with a view of the beautiful Slobody square with the dominant three-nave parish church of St. Michael.

Zobraziť viac

prívetivý a ochotný personál, budova hotela zapadne do celkovej atmosféry tohto mesta

Hotel Tatran contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 35

Nearest recommended lodgings

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