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Accommodation Motel Gombáš

Hubová 435, 034 91, Ľubochňa

Motel Gombas is a restaurant with accommodation facility, located on the main road Zilina - Poprad, although at a busy road, there is peace and quiet, suitable for relaxed stay for individuals and families.

Motel Gombas is a restaurant with accommodation facility, located on the main road Zilina - Poprad, although at a busy road, there is peace and quiet, suitable for relaxed stay for individuals and families.

Zobraziť viac

Naša 5 členná skupina bola maximálne spokojná s ubytovaním v danom zariadení.

Motel Gombáš contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 35

Nearest recommended lodgings

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